Education: BS, Materials Engineering, 1979, University of Lima; San Jose University Business School, 1984; San Jose State University Material Science, 1992; Ground Penetrating Radar, Utility Locating and Survey GSSI Institute, 1999; Certified Utility Locator Staking University, 2004; General Engineering Contractor – A Licensure
Experience: Mr. Bohorquez has more than 20 years of experience providing utility designating and locating services. Mr. Bohorquez has been involved with BTL since 1985 and purchased the firm in March of 1995 and was appointed as President and CEO. Mr. Bohorquez is an expert in Ground Penetrating Radar technologies for the designation of underground utilities. Mr. Bohorquez introduced Ground Penetrating Radar (GPR) technology to Northern California in 1998 with a GSSI GPR unit which was utilized to perform “blind” utility searches and to locate non-conductive utilities.
Mr. Bohorquez has several years of experience working as a Project Principal for a wide range of projects that involved utility designating and locating (potholing) services. Mr. Bohorquez daily responsibilities include managing of a staff of Utility Coordinators, four utility designating crews and two utility locating (potholing) crews. Mr. Bohorquez has participated in several public and private projects for Caltrans, EBMUD, various City Public Work Departments, Airports and private engineering design firms such as URS, BKF and others.