With over 19 years of experience in the field of subsurface utility locating Donald has a wide variety of experience in the field of utility locating and potholing. From direct experience as crew member and field foreman to coordinator and project manager, Donald has a wide range of experience working on both public and private projects for water, sewer and storm drain projects, street improvements, freeway widening, grade separations, traffic signal installation, treatment plant expansion and utility relocation projects. His experience includes working with both public agencies, engineering and surveying firms and construction companies. He has been certified in project management, traffic control, HazMat and confined spaces.
Experience with radio-frequency electromagnetic pipe and cable locators and ground penetrating radar (GPR) systems for designating subsurface utilities
Trained in the use of Air/Vacuum and Hydro/Vacuum Excavation systems
Basic computer skills (Basic computer skills, which includes MS Office (Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Outlook)
Experience in setting and maintaining traffic closures
Collect and/or direct the collection of utility records and as-built utility data from private and municipal agencies for use by field and office personnel.